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Human Resources Newsletter
Autumn 2022: Online meets today's hybrid working needs
Following the pandemic (which is still with us) work practices have changed, probably forever and every company will need to have the systems in place to meet whatever structure is relevant for managing the workforce.
The ability to manage, access and share information will be critical. Nowhere will this be more relevant than in the context of HR.
Apart from the issues of Health and Safety and company policies on office or home working, mental health and wellbeing are the new frontiers for the HR team or department and these will evolve over time, new pandemics or not.
So giving HR the systems that enable them to stay in contact with staff remotely, and to keep advice and policy access up to date, including meeting GDPR requirements, is critical.
This will mean eradicating paper from as many processes as possible because digitisation will mean staff and HR can communicate with each other without being at the same location.
From time sheets to training documents to holiday requests, wellbeing advice and contacts, a digital HR solution, with self service modules, will provide major benefits in terms of speed and accuracy of communication.
HR Online provides a range of solutions and you can find more information here.
We would also be delighted to run a remote demonstration of the systems for you, free of charge, which we record, so you can review and share with colleagues.