Time Sheet creation and approval

Old fashioned paper based timesheets can now be dispensed with. With HR Online’s self-service module, staff can prepare then submit time sheets as the they and the  company requires. Each staff member can create a daily log of hours worked, and whether they were standard or overtime hours, and define if they were normal hours or if they were sick. They can start the log off defining the period for the timesheet (e.g. weekly) and then update it each day, or complete the timesheet at the end of a period e.g the week. They can also add notes to the timesheet that assists management and HR in terms of evaluating it.
Once the staff member has completed it, they submit it for approval. This will be via configured workflow, so the first approver may be a line or departmental manager. They have the ability to review and then reject (or cancel) a timesheet. If this is the case the staff person who completed the timesheet would have had a communication via email (or SMS text) of the status of their time sheets – Pending Submission (i.e. approved and awaiting HR processing) or rejected. If rejected they have the option to amend it based on the comments of those who rejected it and re-submit it. At all times a dashboard shows a staff member the status of their own personal claim.

There is also the option for a line manager to create timesheets for staff who they are responsible for, should there be issues.

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